Why Is Christmas Travel Getting Easier?

Does anyone else feel like traveling at Christmas has gotten easier over the years? While I was growing up in Chicago, one of our local airports was deemed the busiest airport in the world. At Christmastime, that always meant long lines if you were planning to travel....

What Is So Wrong With A Staycation?

They say that where you are right now is exactly where you are meant to be. But what if you feel unsettled and all you want to do is be someplace else? In certain ways, the concept of a vacation doesn’t coincide with that old moniker, right? Typically, a vacation...

Bon Voyage, Self Doubt! I Won’t Miss You.

I am on the longest journey of my life right now. This particular trip is not about crossing cities off a bucket list or hiking across a continent. Instead, the trip itself extends beyond the bounds of location. It is a journey within myself. It is a journey...

Relaunch Coming Soon!

MeansToTravel is in the process of relaunching! This time on meanstotravel.com! My goal will remain the same as ever:  to focus on meaningful travel, and the means to get there. Specifically there are several projects in the works. First, I am planning to create...

I’m A Little Different, And So Is My Travel Style

Growing up, I always felt that I was different from the other kids in school – but I couldn’t quite figure out how. In elementary and middle school I analyzed the differences in my body compared to the other girls to try to explain it. While I (of course) found some...

TAOMO – The Art of Missing Out

FOMO. YOLO. Pop culture has turned these acronyms into the greatest forms of peer pressure in history. These common phrases coupled with the popularity of photo sharing on social media have turned my entire generation into sightseeing fanatics. We want the coolest...
Skimlinks Test