Where do you want to travel this year? Perhaps you don’t know yet?
If that is a question that you’re still mulling over, you might consider going to the Travel & Adventure Show to help find your answer.
The massive expo is being hosted over the next couple months across nine US destinations, each of which represent markets with a very high density of active travelers. Chicago was the first city on the expo’s tour, so, earlier this month my husband Derek and I attended the conference to get a first-hand perspective of what the show offers.
First and foremost, I felt that the speaker series headliners were phenomenal! Travel TV stars Rick Steves and Samantha Brown gave keynote speeches, as well as travel guru Pauline Frommer (Frommers Guides) and other notable travel experts.
The speeches were engaging, and gave important tips to the audience on how to travel smarter. Most importantly, Rick Steves hammered home the message that it has never been safer in human history to travel than it is RIGHT NOW. With so much fear-mongering being pumped into the news, it was refreshing to hear the travel media legend cite important statistics about Americans being safer in Europe than in the US. Here is the speaker schedule that we experienced in Chicago, and other cities’ speaker schedules can also be found on the expo’s website.
In addition to the speaker series, the Travel & Adventure show also offered attendees the opportunity to explore hundreds of booths and pick up information from different exhibitors. Brochures were bountiful. Tourism board reps were eager to chat. Raffles and giveaways peppered many tables. It’s safe to say that wanderlust was in the air!
In today’s video, I thought I’d have a quick chat with you about my impressions from the conference, the total cost of attending (extending beyond the ticket price), and whether you should go. Enjoy!
Buy tickets to the show here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2019-boston-travel-adventure-show-tickets-50708828471?aff=tsweb
P.S. If you decide to attend because you want to meet Rick Steves, try to bring one of your favorite books of his – he’ll autograph them and take a selfie with you!
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