The first lesson learned on my trip last weekend to a lakehouse in southern Michigan was that it’s always very important to pack your laptop charger if you are a blogger – rookie mistake! But, I digress – let’s get back to chatting about the trip! My family and I had...
As many of you already know, I’m from the Midwest. It's that little region of the United States where recreational lakes are a dime a dozen. That’s why to me and millions of other Midwesterners, lakehouse weekends have become a symbol of summertime....
During the second day of Derek and my weekend stay in San Rafael, the four of us decided to take a road trip to the coastal town of Mendocino. Derek’s brother had recommended it highly, since he knows it is exactly the kind of thing we like to explore: a...
On the Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend my boyfriend and I were staying at his brother’s apartment in San Rafael (along with our other friend Liz), and the four of us decided to venture up the road to the Healdsburg area for the day. Since Derek’s brother was not...
I’ve found that in the lifestyle and travel press, discussion topics typically steer towards the importance of “escaping the ordinary” rather than the importance of traveling with the right mindset. In my opinion, the reason we don’t talk about “packing a positive...
On the second and fifth days of our trip to San Francisco we continued to explore the city itself, inclusive of the residential neighborhoods. During this time the grittiness and artiness of the city began to reveal itself as we left the shiny tourist strongholds. To...